Emblazon your company’s name on Ransomware.org, the premier ransomware
education site. You will also be included as a premium member of our ransomware
solutions directory. ActualTech Media will also craft three sponsored blog post
per quarter, post three blogs per quarter from your experts, and feature four of
your pertinent assets on the site, leading back to the download page on your site.
In addition to a site sponsorship, sponsor a series of nine ransomware-centric
webinars taking place throughout 2024. See page 3 for a list of dates and topics.
Emblazon your company’s name on Ransomware.org and be included as a premium
member of our ransomware solutions directory. ActualTech Media will also craft two
sponsored blog post per quarter, post three blogs per quarter from your experts,
and feature two of your pertinent assets on the site, leading back to the download
page on your site. In addition to a site sponsorship, sponsor six ransomware-centric
webinars taking place throughout 2024. See page 3 for a list of dates and topics.
Add your logo to our leading ransomware resource. Ransomware: Understand.
Prevent. Recover., 3rd Edition by Allan Liska is the best resource available for
helping pros understand the complete threat landscape. You can use this asset on
your own site or as a part of your content syndication strategy.
Ransomware: Best Practices for Prevention, Mitigation, and Recovery
Ransomware Series (3 of 4): Exploring the Tools and Solutions That Comprise a Comprehensive Ransomware Strategy
Ransomware Series (4 of 4): Heroes, Villains, and Lessons of 2024
Securing Your Borders: Evolving Each Layer of Your Security Program
Developing Your 2025 Data Security Plan