Keith Ward

Keith Ward is Editorial Director at ActualTech Media.
Recent posts by Keith Ward

When the first edition of “Ransomware: Understand. Prevent. Recover.” was released, it was groundbreaking. It quickly gained popularity, and became a go-to resource for admins, architects, C-suite executives—basically, anyone having responsibility for ransomware protection in an organization—to guide them in defeating the Bad Guys. Written by ransomware uber-expert Allan Liska and produced by ActualTech Media, […]

Not all ransomware directly attacks corporate networks. There is still plenty of it around that goes after home users, and the effects can be just as devastating, if not more so, than ransomware that hits organizations—it’s quite possible that the ordinary family doesn’t have the financial resources to survive such an attack. One example of […]

The history of ransomware, although not long, is certainly notable. And understanding a little of the history of this plague can provide insights that might help you better protect your organization. Knowing how ransomware has evolved over the years is valuable information, as it takes you inside the mind of a ransomware actor. is […]

Do you have a disaster recovery plan for ransomware? I mean, do you really have a plan? Could you tell me what it is in a paragraph if you had to? Could you lay out what happens in a step-by-step sequence in case of attack? Most people can’t answer all these questions with a “Yes.” […]

One of the best ways to protect yourself against ransomware is through role playing. If you’re thinking Dungeons and Dragons right now, you’re actually on the right path—a ransomware tabletop exercise is essentially the cybersecurity version of that. We’ve posted a log of essential information around this topic, and present it here as a quick […]

Many admins wonder how susceptible Linux is to the scourge of ransomware. There’s a general belief—which is correct—that Linux is more secure by default than Windows. That leads to the incorrect belief among some that Linux systems are mostly invulnerable to ransomware. In fact, Linux ransomware is real, it’s very dangerous, and it’s growing. We’ve […]

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