Melissa Palmer

Melissa Palmer is a technologist and content creator who's worked with everything in the data center and beyond at some point or another. She is a VMware Certified Design Expert, and previously worked in the vendor space for over a decade in roles such as Systems Engineer, Technical Marketing Engineer, and Office of the CTO. She started her career on the customer side, and worked on a number of large enterprise VMware environments.
Recent posts by Melissa Palmer

We’ve explored what you can do to try to reduce the risk of a ransomware attack in your VMware environment, but sometimes despite our best efforts environments are still compromised. Let’s explore what you can do to get ahead of things and protect your environment so you can recover after an attack. There are two things […]

The threat of multiplatform ransomware has been growing over the last several years. The attackers’ motivation is pretty simple: they want to cause the most damage in your environment as quickly as possible, forcing you to pay a large ransom. And attacking multiple platforms is one way to do that. I want to focus on […]

When we think of a ransomware attack, some of the first things that come to mind are what we’ve seen on TV and in the movies: someone logs into a server and sees a big red screen demanding Bitcoin. There are quite a few misconceptions that go along with some of this imagery, and unless […]

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