Larry Seltzer

Larry Seltzer has long been a recognized expert in technology, known for industry analysis as well as security consulting and software development. Until 2013, he was editorial director of BYTE, Dark Reading, and Network Computing at UBM Tech. Prior to that, he spent more than a decade consulting and writing on technology subjects, primarily in the area of security. He is the author of three books and thousands of published articles and many more unpublished, private reports. Larry has been technical director at several test laboratories where he both directed and ran product testing, with a special interest in test automation.
Recent posts by Larry Seltzer

For years, we’ve known how to eliminate passwords, but it was too hard for users. There may now be an accessible way for the average user. Or maybe not. On any list of priorities made by security practitioners, you’ll find something along the lines of, “Passwords are a disaster, and we need to get rid […]

In the world of security oldies-but-goodies, nothing beats phishing. It’s a problem that goes back to the early days of the mass-online world. The term “phishing” dates back to 1995 in the malware “AOHell,” which included “a fisher [sic] that allows a user to pose as an AOL official and ask new members for passwords […]

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