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Category: Ransomware Articles

One of the most unexpected trends of recent years is the way ransomware has turned high-impact cybercrime incidents into a public spectacle. For ransomware criminals, the more public the better. Extra publicity equals more embarrassment for the victim, which even if it doesn’t result in a ransom being paid serves as a warning to future […]

In the relatively short history of ransomware crime, very few of the professional criminals behind these attacks have ever been brought to justice. So many crimes, so few arrests, and there’s no mystery as to why: Ransomware criminals typically operate from countries with weak or no laws against what they do, and sometimes (stand up, […]

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” said philosopher George Santayana in one of the most widely quoted aphorisms of the 20th century. According to a report from security company Sophos covering global customer data from the first half of 2023, a similar principle is applicable in many cyberattacks, especially those […]

Who are the people the ransomware groups most rely on for their business model? Most commentators fall back on the conventional view that the ransomware industry’s main protagonists are the clever but amoral hacker masterminds looking to make big bucks. But occasionally we get a glimpse that what’s inside the criminality’s black box might be […]

Sponsored Post: Nasuni. As we enter week four of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), it’s worth making the connection between ransomware and your overall business continuity strategy. Ransomware has been a scourge for years, but the attacks are only growing more sophisticated, capable of hitting multiple sites and bringing your entire organization to a halt. What’s […]

Sponsored Post: Nasuni. As we all know, it is very difficult to protect large file servers using traditional backup solutions. Organizations have been founded with the sole purpose to create a file system that automatically protects itself. They spend hours talking to customers about this new approach to file systems, UniFS®, and why it’s beneficial. […]

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